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One day I have started thinking of modern way to build a web application and I have made a big research to realize which one should be the best to learning. 😱
I have read a lot of posts about the progressive WebApp in 2019 and each of the authors has described their own opinion why hе has selected either Vue JS or Angular, React JS. It was really difficult to decide which one is fit to learn and one interesting site helped me. People collect quite useful statistics of front-end frameworks there. For example how many people use them and their opinion whether they want to continue to learning selected frameworks and etc. You actually could see all this information here (link). So I have decided to learn the React JS because of the React is the most popular framework to build single page applications and the same way more easy to get started. 😎
I have started an online course of React in Udemy (link). There are 40.5 hours and 499 lectures in the course. It could seem a bit long but trust me that Maximilian Schwarzmüller has the talent to explain difficult things as easy as possible and he pays attention to the most important things in every lecture. Through all the course you make a project which is a burger application where you create own burger with picked ingredients after purchase it and look at your order list. He gives information about fundamental things of the React environment and also gives the good code challenges where you can play around with a recently learned knowledge. So my advice to you is to try this course because I can create React application now. 🕺
After I have learned the React I have started thinking of interface of application because of I have been going to create an amazing application with cool design so I haven’t been thinking a lot I have just started to learn the other course of modern CSS and all stuff that need us to create an awesome application. (link) The course includes 125 lectures and takes about 28 hours to finish it. 🎉🎉
😍😍😍 IT WAS AMAZING ONE! I found out so many cool things about SASS, Animation of CSS, Flexbox, CSS Grid and so on. It was one of the best courses that I have been learning ever. I recommend you to try it as well.
Thank you that you read till this point -> 🔴
Evgeny Skarlat
Оттук можете да изтеглите тръжната документация за избор на изпълнител/и с публична покана с предмет:
Доставка на услуги по провеждане на специфични обучения за безработни и заети лица във фирма “ФИНИТ СОФТУЕР СИСТЕМС” ЕООД, включващи:
Тема 1: Надграждащи курсове по езици за програмиране, използвани в проекти на “Финит Софтуер Системс” ЕООД (онлайн обучение) – ГРУПА А;
Тема 2: Надграждащи курсове по езици за програмиране, използвани в проекти на “Финит Софтуер Системс” ЕООД (онлайн обучение) – ГРУПА Б.
За повече информация за проекта: https://blog.finite-soft.com/index.php/2018/05/09/specialized-trainings-project-announcement/
Оттук можете да изтеглите тръжната документация за избор на изпълнител/и с публична покана с предмет:
Доставка на услуги по провеждане на специфични обучения за безработни и заети лица във фирма “ФИНИТ СОФТУЕР СИСТЕМС” ЕООД, включващи:
Тема 1: Проектиране на системна архитектура и документиране на изисквания в развойните проекти на “Финит Софтуер Системс” ЕООД;
Тема 1: Надграждащи курсове по езици за програмиране, използвани в проекти на “Финит Софтуер Системс” ЕООД (онлайн обучение) – ГРУПА А;
Тема 2: Надграждащи курсове по езици за програмиране, използвани в проекти на “Финит Софтуер Системс” ЕООД (онлайн обучение) – ГРУПА Б;
Тема 1: Технологии в администрирането на уеб-базирани решения и мобилни приложения (онлайн обучение), използвани във “Финит Софтуер Системс” ЕООД;
Тема 1: Междукултурна комуникация и управление на приоритетите и стреса в ИТ аутсорсинга на софтуерни услуги;
Тема 2: Управление на мотивацията в сферата на софтуерните разработки.
За повече информация за проекта: https://blog.finite-soft.com/index.php/2018/05/09/specialized-trainings-project-announcement/
Оттук можете да изтеглите тръжната документация за избор на изпълнител с публична покана с предмет:
„Доставка на услуги по провеждане на специализирано чуждоезиково обучение за безработни и заети лица във фирма “ФИНИТ СОФТУЕР СИСТЕМС” ЕООД в обособени позиции:
За повече информация за проекта: https://blog.finite-soft.com/index.php/2018/05/09/specialized-trainings-project-announcement/
Since the beginning of 2017 the company initiated series of actions for establishment of an Integrated Management System. These actions came as logical response to our professional approach and priorities to be more than just experts.
The focus in our approach is the reliable partnership with you as a client.
The keywords are: expertise, quality, security, clearly defined processes.
The main goal: customer satisfaction.
Efforts that we as a team made were to achieve compliance to the globally accepted ISO/IEC standards which requirements serve and support all the processes inside our joint business projects.
Up to now we are successfully certified on ISO/IEC 9001:2015 (Quality Management System), ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 (IT Service Management System) and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (Information Security Management System).
ISO/IES 9001:2015 specifies requirements for a Quality Management System that could ensure:
– the ability of the organization to provide consistently products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements, and
– enhancement of customer satisfaction based on effective application of the system and of the incorporated processes for its constant improvement.
Certification on ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 was a logical upgrade of the Quality Management System in the direction of IT Service Management. The standard specifies requirements for the company as service provider to plan, implement, operate, monitor, and improve the Service Management System. It defines clear processes in the field of Service Configuration Items Management, Management of Emergency Releases, Service Complaints, Change Management, Capacity Management, etc.
One of the most important assets our-days and especially of IT companies is information which varies from personal to financial, industrial and intellectual property, etc. The ISO/IEC 27001:2013 is part of the ISO/IES 27000 family of standards that support organizations to keep those assets secure. ISO/IEC 27001 is the best-known standard in the family. It is a base for number of Security Policies defining the parameters of Information Security starting from Physical Security, Network Security, Access Control, going through human factor like Human Resources and Suppliers and regulating the Uninterruptability of the Services and Incident Management.
The aim of all the requirements drawn by the Information Security Management System is to maintain uncompromising high level of information inviolability.
The Integrated Management System built on these three standards define our main statement which is well known in formal logic as “necessary and sufficient condition”. Following this necessary and sufficient condition keep our focus and values on the right road where the target is always the win-win partnership and the customer satisfaction.
На 2 април 2018 г. „Финит Софтуер Системс“ ЕООД стартира изпълнението на проект BG05M9OP001-1.022-0070-C01 по процедура „Специфични обучения“ с финансовата подкрепа на Оперативна програма „Развитие на човешките ресурси”, съфинансирана от Европейския социален фонд на Европейския съюз. Инициативата е част от стратегията на компанията за системно подобряване на качеството и разгръщане на потенциала на служителите. Предвижда се заложените в проекта външни и вътрешни обучения да подпомогнат трансфера на знания сред служителите на „Финит Софтуер Системс“ ЕООД и да допринесат за оптимизиране на процесите по планиране, проектиране, имплементиране и поддръжка на софтуерни решения за клиентите на компанията. Continue reading “„Финит Софтуер Системс“ стартира проект по процедура „Специфични обучения“ на ОПРЧР 2017-2020”