My opinion about NodeJS course from Udemy

Hi there,

On 26 December 2018 I got certificate of finishing course of ” Node.js: The Complete Guide to Build RESTful APIs (2018) “.

On this course was opened follows topics such as:

  1. How to getting started with NodeJS.
  2. NodeJS environment: node module system and node packages manager.
  3. Author gave a good description about build RESTfull API using Express Framework and noted all important things which helped me to got whole picture about asynchronous JavaScript and authentication and authorization with using JWT (JSON WEB Token)
  4. He also gave me a good knowledge about validation in NodeJS routes, type validation and MongoDB models validation.
  5. He noted all small features of MongoDB and explained them on easy way.
  6. Testing and handling the errors. He explained several packages which give us possibility to test our application more quality. On the same section he explained new approach to build application. This approach names Test-Driven the seance of that is to write test before you write code.
  7. Deployment to production using Heroku.

The course duration is 15 hours and includes 224 lectures which give you advance knowledge about server-side JavaScript as NodeJs.

I suggest you to give time for this course and will learn more about NodeJS.

Thank you for attention.
Evgeny Skarlat